Java Full Stack Developer



Java Full Stack Developer


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Frontend Design


Fundamental Elements of HTML, Formatting Text in HTML, |Organizing Text in HTML, Links and URLs in HTML, Tables in HTML, | Images on a Web Page, Image Formats, Image Maps,  Colors, FORMs in HTML, Interactive Elements, Working with Multimedia – Audio and Video File Formats, HTML elements for inserting Audio / Video on a web page


Understanding the Syntax of CSS, CSS Selectors, Inserting CSS in an HTML Document, CSS properties to work with background of a Page, CSS properties to work with Fonts and Text Styles, CSS properties for positioning an element.


Using JavaScript in an HTML Document, Programming Fundamentals of JavaScript – Variables, Operators, Control Flow Statements, Popup Boxes, Functions – Defining and Invoking a Function, Defining Function arguments, defining a return Statement, Calling Functions with Timer, JavaScript Objects – String, RegExp, Math, Date, BrowserObjects – Window, Navigator, History, Location, Document, Cookies, Document Object Model, Form Validation using JavaScript

Fundamental of JQuery with AJAX

Fundamentals, Selectors, methods to access HTML attributes, methods for traversing, manipulators, events, effects, jQuery

Other tools for web

VS code for enhance Web Development coding |  Web Hosting | domain

Database concepts

Introduction to RDBMS

Feature of RDBMS |  SQL Language Commands | Data Definition Language  (DDL) | Data Manipulation Language (DML) | Transaction Control Language (TCL)

SQL Database concepts

Viewing all databases | Creating a Database | Viewing all Tables in a Database | Creating Tables (With and Without Constraints) | Inserting/Updating/Deleting Records in a Table | Altering a Table | Dropping/Truncating/Renaming Tables | Backing up / Restoring a Database | Simple Queries | Simple Queries with Aggregate functions | Date Functions | String Functions | Math Functions | Join Queries | Inner Join | Outer Join | Subqueries | With IN clause | With EXISTS clause | order by  group by |   Views | Creating Views (with and without check option) | Dropping views Selecting from a view | DCL statements | Granting and revoking permissions | Saving (Commit) and Undoing (rollback)

Programming Languages

Programming Fundamentals

Introduction to algorithms/flowcharts | Problem solving methodologies | Understanding of the problem | Solution for the problem | Breaking down solution into simple steps (modular approach) | Identification of arithmetic and logical operations required for solution | Control structure conditional control and looping (finite and infinite)

Core Java fundamentals

Introduction of java | Java Environment Setup | Java Basic Syntax, Data types, Operators |Types of Selection statements | Types of Iterations statements | Types of Jump Statements | Basic of 1D Array & 2D array in java | Advanced Concept in java array & Wrapper (Number) class in java | Number class Methods | Methods In java

Core Java oops concept

Object & Classes in java | Constructors in java | Runtime polymorphism | Advanced concept polymorphism | Final Keyword In Java | Java instance Of Operator | Java Abstraction Interface in java |Packages in java | Encapsulation in Java | Object class in Java |Static Keyword in java | Java String | String class Methods in java | String Buffer class Methods in java | Exception Handling.

More concept in  Core java

Multithreading in Java | Synchronization in java | Java Input output | Generics in java | Collection Framework in java | Inner class in java

Backend Development

JDBC for connection with database

Introduction, JDBC Architecture, JDBC Drivers, JDBC Connectivity | Model, java.sql package, Using Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, ResultSet, Scrollable and Updatable ResultSet, Navigating and manipulating data, ResultSetMetaData, ManagingTransactions in JDBC, JDBC Exception classes, BLOB & CLOB.

Servlet for WEB Technology

Introduction, Servlet Life Cycle, Types of Servlet, Servlet Configuration with Deployment Descriptor, Working with ServletContext and ServletConfig Object, Attributes in Servelt,, Response and Redirection using Request Dispacher and using sendRedirect Method, Filter API, Manipulating Responses using Filter API, Session Tracking: using Cookies, HTTPSession, Hidden Form Fields and URL Rewriting, Types of Servlet Event: ContextLevel and SessionLevel.

JSP (helps for separate designing and development)

Introduction, Servlet Life Cycle, Types of Servlet, Servlet Configuration with Deployment Descriptor, Working with ServletContext and ServletConfig Object, Attributes in Servelt,, Response and Redirection using Request Dispacher and using sendRedirect Method, Filter API, Manipulating Responses using Filter API, Session Tracking: using Cookies, HTTPSession, Hidden Form Fields and URL Rewriting, Types of Servlet Event: ContextLevel and SessionLevel.


JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) represents a set of tags to simplify the JSP development, JSTL core Tags, Function tags, SQL Tags, Formatting tags


JSON: Overview, Syntax, Data Types, Objects, Schema, Comparison with XML, JSON with Java

Java MVC Frameworks

Spring  & hibernate frameworks

Spring Introduction | Spring Configuration | LifeCycle methods | Scopes + LookUp Method Injection | BeanPostProcessor | Spring JDBC | Spring ORM with Hibernate Template | Spring MVC | Spring Rest | Spring Security | Spring Email | Spring AOP

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